This is an event focused blog post recapping a virtual roundtable. View the original post here.
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As mortgage rates continue to rise, lenders will need to do all they can in order to stay competitive. Historically, mortgage lenders have been reticent to adopt new technologies, citing a lack of trust and transparency. Furthermore, the effort involved with onboarding new processes can quickly become overwhelming. As panelist, Haris Ikram, put it, “in any industry, change management is really hard,” but change may become more of a necessity for lenders wishing to retain profitability in a shrinking market.
In this virtual roundtable, leading mortgage experts from Blend, Valon, and Ocrolus delve into exactly what makes mortgage lenders so reluctant to incorporate new technologies and the actual thirst for effective technology that already exists. Much of the discussion is focused on findings shared in a new ebook by Ocrolus, Building a Trusted and Efficient Mortgage Workflow. This ebook is based on extensive qualitative and quantitative research done by Ocrolus within the last year and showcases perspectives from the key stakeholders of the lending process, namely loan originators, processors, and underwriters.
Hear mortgage experts discuss:
Bank statement loans – who’s doing them and market interest
Improving the borrower experience with #POS partnerships
Ocrolus’ ebook and its takeaways regarding employee goals and fears with technology