Web PageHome Page Copy - ELMA webpage I rewrote for a website relaunch. I also managed the design of this relaunch.
Blog PostStructuring Deals With Inflation Reduction Act Clean Energy Tax CreditsBlog post demonstrating my ability to create compelling content while also simplifying complex topics.
Ebook Building a Trusted and Efficient Automated Mortgage WorkflowThis 1800 word ebook demonstrates my abilities with long form content and research driven content.
OutlineComplex Finance 101This pillar page outline was created for a writer based on keyword research and general subject matter research. It is part of a series.
Blog PostT-REX: The Game-Changing Collaboration SolutionThis is a blog post focusing on a product feature.
Case StudyLendflow: Embedding technology for efficient and accessible loan processingThis is a case study based on client and internal interviews and used in several paid campaigns.
OutlineThe New Demands of Private Credit This is an outline I created for a blog post that was given to a writer.
Case StudyDigital Lending Solution Lendsmart Leans on Ocrolus to Accelerate Loan UnderwritingThis is a case study I wrote based on client and internal interviews. It was used in several campaigns.
Blog PostHow T-REX and Xpansiv Are Closing the Gap Between ESG and FinancingThis is a blog focusing on a new partnership for the company.
Blog PostVirtual Roundtable: Exploring the Mortgage Industry’s Appetite for AutomationThis is an event focused blog post recapping a virtual roundtable.